Dermal fillers have long been known for their skin plumping and volumising properties. When injected into certain areas of the face, they can offer lifting, correction of asymmetry, the building of facial contours, hydration of the skin tissues and support for sagging areas such as the lower cheeks. However, did you know that one of the most increasingly popular treatments using dermal fillers such as Juvéderm is for the earlobes? You may be rolling your eyes at this point and thinking “whatever next?” but as we age, our earlobes can suffer the same collagen loss and drooping as the rest of our face and neck.
Continued wear of heavy earrings, creases in the ears from the natural ageing process and skin laxity can all be treated with a simple procedure that takes around 15 minutes and can last for up to 2 years!
At Dr Anita Dhunna’s London and Essex clinics, she offers this quick and effective treatment for those noticing changes in their earlobes. Earlobe fillers are suitable for both older and younger patients. With the rise in popularity of chunky, statement earrings, we’re seeing that a range of people are requesting this treatment.
How do dermal fillers work?
Dermal fillers contain a substance called hyaluronic acid (HA) which acts as a cushioning, hydrating substance and is present within the body, in areas such as the joints, eyes, connective tissues and of course, the skin. As we age, we lose HA rapidly, leading to further loss of collagen and elastin within the skin’s tissues. A thick, heavy dermal filler with a gel-like consistency will physically ‘augment’ the skin and facial contours, plumping and adding volume, and this is where areas such as the earlobes can benefit.
A few small injections into the places which require some support can make all the difference to their shape and skin quality. Using dermal fillers in the earlobes can help re-shape and reduce ear creases, reduce skin droopiness and help to support those fashion earrings in the correct position.

Am I suitable for dermal fillers in the earlobes with Dr Anita Dhunna?
As HA mimics a substance already present in our bodies, most people do not experience any issues with having dermal filler injections, especially within the earlobes. However, we always need to check for any contraindications prior to any injectable, non-surgical treatment being carried out in a full consultation with Dr Anita. For example, if you experience keloid scarring, having dermal filler injections in your earlobes would not be a good idea, as the needle entering the skin could set off a keloid reaction. Dr Anita can advise alternative skin tightening or toning treatments to help with the skin on your earlobes in such cases. Once Dr Anita has conducted her consultation, discussed the treatment with you and checked your medical history, she will advise you whether dermal fillers for your earlobes would be a safe and appropriate option.
What happens during an earlobe dermal filler treatment with Dr Anita Dhunna?
Once you have completed some standard consent forms, you will be made comfortable in one of our treatment rooms. A small amount of topical anaesthetic may be applied to your earlobe to ensure that you are fully comfortable and don’t feel the needle inserted. Juvéderm dermal fillers contain lidocaine, an injectable anaesthetic, so you shouldn’t feel any discomfort during the treatment. You may find your earlobes are numb for an hour afterwards.
When you are comfortable, Dr Anita will begin injecting small amounts of the dermal filler into your earlobes in specific points where more volume and support are needed. Treatment shouldn’t take any longer than 10 minutes, and you can return to your daily activities (as long as it’s not an activity such as heavyweight boxing – common sense prevails here!) after your treatment.
Aftercare is pretty simple, try not to touch or rub the area for 24 to 48 hours after the treatment, avoid earrings for around 24 hours and avoid hot steam rooms, saunas or anything which could overheat the skin in this area for a few days. You might have some swelling, tenderness and redness in your earlobes for a day or so after your treatment, but as the earlobes don’t really ‘move’ as you pull facial expressions, you won’t feel this as much as say, after a lip filler treatment.
When will I see the results of my earlobe filler treatment?
The great news is that you will see the results immediately (taking into account any minimal swelling or bruising and allowing for this to subside) and notice in the weeks following that the skin will become more hydrated and resilient. These results can last anything up to 24 months, as the lobes don’t move through facial expression; HA stays stable in this area. This is what makes dermal filler injections a much more convenient treatment to invasive surgical procedures. There is no cutting of the skin, no sutures, no scars and no recovery time. Perfect for those who lead busy lives and don’t mind a once annual trip to one of Dr Anita Dhunna’s clinic for a top-up treatment.
Dermal fillers have become one of the aesthetics industry’s wonders and allow doctors to now perform treatments they would never have thought of, without surgical intervention. Treating the earlobes is quick and straightforward (when performed by a medical professional such as Dr Anita Dhunna) and can offer satisfying results in a matter of minutes. You can wear those fashion earrings in the knowledge that your earlobes are up to the job and can support your earlobes more effectively, without the risk of weighing the skin down and misshaping them. When you undergo treatment with Dr Anita Dhunna, you can rest assured that you are receiving a clinically-proven treatment in a professional environment. This means the most beautiful results that you’ll adore, time and time again.
Finding our clinics
Dr Anita has 2 practices – Brookman’s Park-Hatfield, Hertfordshire; easily accessible from areas such as Stevenage, St Albans, Watford, Edgeware, Welwyn and Boreham Wood and North London, and Lily House – South Woodford, Essex; accessed easily from areas such as Epping, Chigwell, Loughton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, Ilford, Romford, Cheshunt and East London. Both locations are located close to the M25 with Brookman’s Park located near the A1, M11 and A10 and the South Woodford Clinic, close to the A12, A127 and the A406.